Go ahead, click on the photo of Aruba. Now exhale. Ahhhhhhhh.... :)
With weather THIS cold (I don't even think "cold" is a word that really even begins to describe it), I vow that after enduring the snow, ice, winds, etc. for 15 years -- and now subzero (-35 to -40) wind chills -- I WILL make it to Hawaii for my next tropical excursion. I've already started making plans with my posse of warm-hearted friends/fellow lifters (and dang-strong ones at that) out there who are confident that I would not only fit in, looking like a local, but I would probably not want to come back.
I know that feeling. Case in point, Aruba (above)... from which I didn't want to return, last June.
If I took back my maiden name of Esperancilla, I'd really sound like a local. Word on the (Island) streets is that are a hundred others out there with that name.
This was an extremely busy week, work-wise, so I was not able to get my 4th day in. Black ice all over every highway surface, spinning various vehicles into snowy ditches and concrete barriers, doesn't help with the commuting, either. But with less than a month to go until Nationals, I’ll be getting in next time. Here’s how my workouts went this week, as a re-cap:
Saturday, I benched 155x1, then 145x3x2, then 165x3x2 with boards, followed by decline bench presses of 135x3 and 145x3, and unweighted tricep dips - 10 reps, 4 sets. I’m pretty glad that I have been able to get back into these for a few weeks now and can still turn my head.
Sunday's training was pretty rough, since I spent the morning in a cold warehouse in N.E. Minneapolis – standing on even colder concrete, watching the Minnesota Winter Strongman Challenge II and cheering for competitors Brian Durham and Crazy Paul Balyeat. Without stopping to have lunch, I went into The Press and commenced what needed to be done. I squatted up to 255x1, then 225x3, then a 285 heavy walkout (slow count of 10) and a 315 static hold (slow count of 10).
My deadlift day this week was the usual (fast) fun and a 15-lb. jump again:
Sumo Deadlifts
45x6 (conventionals)
45x6 (sumos)
255x1 (black DL suit, straps down)
Heavy single of the day...
Drop sets...
255x3x2 (straps down, no re-setting)
Conventional DLs
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