Thursday, January 29, 2009

Deep Thoughts and a Triple-Bodyweight-Dead, Hold the Fries

I focused on deep squat training last Sunday and nailed several squats pretty deep on my own, getting up to a 270x1 heavy single, 240x2 drop set, and then a 300 walkout for a long count of 10, capped off with a 330 static hold.

Today, I guess my only deep thoughts were how grateful I am that I can get my deads done in quick lunch hour fashion and still nail everything -- while having fun, not going through mental warfare as I do with the other two lifts!

Sumo Deadlifts
45x6 (conventional)
195x1 (these last 3 were in quick succession again... saved a ton of time)
255x1 - black suit
285x1 - straps up

Heavy single of the day...

Drop set...
285x2 -- OK, this is without re-setting...first time I've ever done that!! And my headset fell off after the first rep, too. Good practice with staying focused and ignoring distractions.

Conventional DLs
255x2 - straps down. Man, that stance is rough sometimes!

A chocolate-chocolate Elvis protein shake for the road, and I was outta there. Next week will be my final deadlift training day before Nationals in Miami.

I can't conclude without kudos to Mitchell Layne, who had a bad time pulling last week and was wanting to give up again (or go raw at the upcoming state meet, since he didn't think he could deadlift what he wanted in gear). He spent a few days undecided about what division - raw or geared...raw or geared...raw or....

He finally listened to me -- and did not let one discouraging day ruin his original goals (dang, he is finally learning from his woman!!!) and entered the 220 lb. Open. Today, he went in for his final heavy deadlift day and gripped-n-ripped what he had missed TWICE last week: 650 lbs., almost triple-bodyweight.

I'll say it again.... he is finally listening to and learning from his woman!!! And it is paying off in a big way. My alternative career would be Powerlifting Psychology, I think. It's all about turning lemons into lemonade.

Everybody Do Da Dance

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