Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grippin'-and-Rippin' 340 lbs. -- FINALLY!

Well, it finally happened: I pulled a 340 lb. deadlift today!!! -- a number I’ve been chasing for a while now! And Mitch, who was watching, told me I could have likely pulled 345!!!

YES -- my best training deadlift is finally bigger than my best competition deadlift -- going from 330 to 340!

And it's a DL PR to add to my BP PR's... I am so thankful things are going well with my training...

The funny part was that I wasn't even feeling entirely "up to it" and had to get myself as mentally jacked as I could. This was in record time, another approx. 30 min. workout. It is crazy that the less time I have to train, the better. Not enough time to worry or “over-think” it, I guess… but not enough time for ANY assistance work at all in several weeks (maybe even months), either. Not even conventional DL's for some weeks.

This has got to be sheer will -- and a lot of faith, too.

No video, though! Not enough time, plus (once again) I didn't know what was going to happen. Last time we tried to video a 340 attempt, it was not so great. But I am pretty excited that today's 340 felt like 325-330 used to feel to me. And that infamous sticking point? was surprisingly not as slow as my 335 and 336 pulls in recent meets. I actually yelled myself through the final few inches.

So I am gunning for new numbers now... I am stoked!! :)

Please stay tuned for some info on my next meet, which I am currently trying to choose and nail-down...


Matt Gary said...


Singles in the DL are the way to go. It's how I've been training for the past 10 years.

Here's an article I wrote on the topic...

Congratulations again on all your recent progress. It's very inspiring and thank you for keeping me in the loop.


Nancy Goldstein said...

Is this the same Cheryl Anderson who was in a dreadful car accident not all that long ago? DO NOT RUIN WHAT IS LEFT OF YOUR BODY! That is an amazing lift! Congratulations!

Sherman @ Quest said...


Sherman @ Quest

Brad Klinger said...


Nice going, sometimes you just have to get back to the basics to improve.


Ann Leverett said...


Congratulations! This may be just the beginning of your lifting massive weights - getting close to 40.

That's the magic number,

Donovan Thompson said...

Less time to over train as well


Alex Campbell said...

Great job. Looks like you will be ready for the NOTLD and then the Arnold this year.

I love working out before school and then going in to teach class and feeling the beads of sweat drip down the crevice of my spine while I am teaching. It is an awesome feeling that you can do more work before someone wakes up or while they eat lunch, etc. than they can do all day.


Alan Tepper said...


Alan Tepper