Sunday, February 8, 2009

New gear, last day of SQ and BP training for Nationals

It was my last day of training for Women's Nationals, and I had to combine my final squats and bench presses due to coaching at the Minnesota State Championships yesterday (more on that later when I am able to post more...congrats to 12-time State Champ Mitch!! I have videos that I will add from that event, too, next time I blog).

I have been generously sponsored by Titan Support Systems once again and had a new squat suit and bench shirt in hand today, but I highly doubted the idea of trying brand-new gear on the last week before a high-level meet (or any meet, for that matter), because it usually takes a few weeks of breaking it in and getting used to it. BUT, thankfully -- and surprisingly -- the new gear fit me just fine and I was able to lift well today!!

135x1 - loose wraps
165x1 - new suit, a bit looser around the torso and straps, but tight around my thighs... put it on myself, like my old suit

Opener, for reps
250x2 - straps up, deep -- on my own, no depth calls!! yay :)

Here's video of it, thanks to Mitch for the spots AND hitting "record" and "off" --

On to the bench... (yes, it was a 2/3 mini-meet today)

Bench Press
145x1 - new F6...yes, it was painful to touch at first
160x1 - went up, but wasn't as easy as I thought...was out of the groove

Heavy single of the day...
175x1 -- hit the groove, have not gotten this in training for a looonnng time!!!

I am really thankful I was able to have a strong day in new gear, and it all worked out...that is really what I hoped for, just before this big meet!

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