It's no fun spending too many seconds fighting through this position. Lately, that's been happening. Today, it was with 275 lbs. (instead of 265 as pictured above at the IPF 2007 World's in Austria).
Due to my work schedule, I've been squatting on Sundays, with Mitch making an extra trip into the gym to help me each week. Today, he joined me and did his squat workout as well, since last week (Monday, his usual SQ day), he unexpectedly found himself without any help at all. And fortunately, we were able to get some help from not only each other, but much-needed spots from Paul Balyeat and feedback from Maura Shuttleworth.
I also multi-tasked by bringing my 10-yr.-old son Glen through a deadlift workout, too, in between my sets and Mitch's! Talk about running around like a chicken decapitated. But well worth it.
Here's how my training day went:
135x1 - loose knee wraps
165x1 - suit, straps down
255x1 - straps up
Heavy single of the day...
275x1 - with Mitch's depth call, Maura watching depth also, and Paul spotting me.
Again, this came up way slower than usual, but it never stopped moving and locked out. I actually felt it speed up after the real odd, slow sticking point; and once it sped-up, it seemed to just spring into lockout. Weird. I meant to end this training cycle with a 285-290 deep squat single, but sometimes adjustments need to be made according to oddities/the unexplained.
Heavy walkout
305 x slow count of 10
Static hold
335 x slow count of 10
Leg curls
Hold the jammers, since this was my last heavy squat day...next week, I'll do a triple of my opener.
Looking good Cheryl! Good luck at Women's Nationals! You will do great!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Sumo Stud/Babe -- I hope to return with good news and will just think of how much fun you have with squats, when I have to get those out of the way :)
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